Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Reports of an NFC Capable iPhone 5 Surfaced

Before you react to the headline, you must know that Apple has been looking into Near Field Communication (NFC) for years now. Back in 2011, the New York Times had a story about the tech giant giving tips about selling an iPhone that could enable its users to buy products by using their handheld devices. Right now, competitor Google has made this possible by including NFC chips in some Android smartphones like the Galaxy Nexus and S2 Skyrocket and the HTC Amaze 4G. One of the greatest NFC reliant services Google has made for the Android is the Google Wallet, a mobile payment system which the search engine monster released just last year.
But with the coming of the Passbook, Apple Inc’s own digital wallet that stores electronic tickets and boarding passes, rumors about the NFC chips on the next iPhone model has risen up once again and may actually even be right all along. Reports of the NFC technology on the iPhone 5 is said to have come from the discovery codes from the Pre-EVT or Engineering Verification Testing of the iPhone 5 prototypes. The said codes may lead to the confirmation that the much awaited iPhone will have an NFC chip and, quite possibly, an antenna.
If the tech giant does sell an iPhone with an antenna and NFC technology, it may also be entering into mobile payments just like Google. While the Passbook does not necessarily use NFC technology to process the storage of tickets and passes, experts are saying that Apple could create a more elaborate plan for their Passbookto work with the NFC thus allowing the millions of iPhone users to be able to purchase stuff through their mobile phones. Meanwhile, tech analysts agree that once Apple decides to release and sell an iPhone with an NFC chip in September or October, the future will become very different for smartphones all over the world.
Analysts and tech buffs say that since the tech giant also has a giant following, an NFC enabled smartphone will definitely push all other smartphone manufacturers to include NFC to compete. This means that if Apple, the tech industry’s current leading company, puts NFC into the iPhone 5, you may as well expect that every iPhone and every smartphone that would come out of the market in the next couple of months and years will include NFC. If this happens, experts believe that the mobile payments bandwagon will finally be a part of the mainstream paymentscheme in the market.
Aside from the no-bills and no-cards payment methods, NFC can also help iPhone owners exchange files and swap information from one NFC ready device to another without having to go through iTunes and other cloud computing methods. While there are no confirmations yet regarding this rumor, several experts strongly believe that it is part of the tech giant’s game play. Most of them say that if Apple does not incorporate the NFC chip on the iPhone 5, it will certainly include it in the long run. In the mean time, if the iPhone 5 NFC technology excites you beyond compare, why not sell your iPhone 4S now so that you can prepare for the iPhone 5? Visit to know how!


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