Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Make Social Technology Count in Your Workplace ~ The Science Stupidity

Make Social Technology Count in Your Workplace 

Make Social Technology Count in Your Workplace
friend, who was involved in developing early word processing systems (imagine a world withoutMicrosoft Office or Open Office), was recently talking about the productivity-improvement claims made by proponents of word processing. I’m like WHAT decade are we in? Smiles. I’m GASPing for air. By moving offices and workers away from typewriters, Dictaphone machines and stenography, businesses were supposed to see huge productivity gains. Individuals would be empowered and secretaries (try finding a few of those today) would have time to work on projects of higher value to companies. There would be no reliance on White-out, steno pads or other mostly-dead products and everyone would be freed from the drudgery of office work. The payoff for companies? The holy trinity of time-savings, cost-reduction and ROI!


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